Thursday, 27 April 2017

The 6 most savage jokes from 'Simpsons' Trump 'toon

The Simpsons weigh in on Trump’s first 100 days. Elizabeth Keatinge (@elizkeatinge) has more. Buzz60

The late-night hosts have all gotten in digs at President Trump’s relative lack of accomplishments during his first 100 days in office, and now The Simpsons want a turn.

“So many accomplishments,” he crowed in a new animated short, published Wednesday night. “Lowered my golf handicap, my Twitter following increased by 700, and finally, we can shoot hibernating bears. My boys will love that!”


Here are the six most savage jokes from Matt Groening and company:

6. Sean Spicer takes drastic measures to escape his situation

The cartoon opens with the beleaguered press secretary hanging from a noose in the briefing room bearing a placard reading, “I quit.”

Upon discovering it, one of the blondes in Trump’s life (could be Ivanka or Kellyanne Conway) miffs, “I am not replacing him!”

5. Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus choke each other out, Homer-and-Bart style

Apparently, the buddy-buddy act between the president’s chief strategist and his chief of staff at CPAC wasn’t as convincing as they’d hoped.

4. Trump’s bedtime reading selections

The books spread out on the president’s bed included The Little Book of Big Bombs, Florida on $10 Million a Day and our favorite, Bill O’Reilly’s Killing a Good Thing.

3. The president’s preferred method for absorbing the information from briefing books

Presented with a new bill that needed immediate attention, he asked his assistant, “Can’t Fox News just read it and I’ll watch what they say?”

2. Ruth Bader Ginsburg using a string of pearls to garrote Ivanka’s Secret Service agent

She was a little miffed to learn she was losing her seat on the Su

preme Court to the president’s daughter. “You told me they replaced me with Garland!” she exclaimed. Notorious R.B.G., indeed.

The photo opp also doubled as a QVC segment hawking Ivanka’s newest merchandise: a judge’s robe and gavel earring. And they were a bargain at “only 1,000 rubles!”

1. The nude portrait of Melania hanging outside the press room

As the camera made its way up the stairwell from the White House press room to the residence, there was a blink-and-you-missed-it glimpse of the former model lying nude on a furry blanket. (Our other favorite piece of art was the photo op of Trump pretending to drive a big-rig truck.)

The 6 most savage jokes from 'Simpsons' Trump 'toon

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